Artist Collaboration

Thanks for your interest in collaborating with Mougee to create custom printed flow stars.

We have standardized our collaboration process to make as simple as possible with no cost to the Artist.

How it works:

1.  The artist to comes up with an awesome design that Mougee thinks will appeal to the flow star community and the artist feels will appeal to their fans and/or customers.

2.  Mougee assumes all expenses associated with creating the flow star.  We make 100 Stars.

3.  The artist gets three things:  1.  Four free Mougee flow stars (retail value $240) with their artwork printed on it in our high quality sublimation process.

2.  The Artist can purchase as many of their flow stars as they like for wholesale price (about 40% off retail).

3. We will work with you to promote you and your flow star on social media and your web store.

4.  Mougee gets the right to sell your design on our flow star without commission to the artist and credit you in the title of the design.  If we sell through the 100, we will contact you to see if we both want to do another run.

That's it.  We try to keep it as straight forward and simply as possible.  We avoid commissions because it is a really big bookkeeping task, and this way nobody owes anyone anything and nobody is concerned they are not getting their fair share. You buy them as you want them, we can even drop ship them for you for a small fee.  You can cancel the agreement whenever you want with the understanding that we can sell through whatever inventory we have on hand.  This does not give Mougee the rights to any of your artwork beyond the 100 stars we agree on initially.

Any questions or if you'd like to speak on the phone, just email me at   

Thanks for checking us out.


PS:  In the alternative, you can just order custom Mougee Stars for yourself with a minimum of 100 units @ Wholesale pricing.  If you pay for this up front, Mougee will. have no rights to the Stars or the artwork and only you will sell them.

Some of our featured Artist Collaborations:

Chris Dyer


Crazy Eon

Glass Crane